Passive-demodulation pulse interferometry for ultrasound detection with a high dynamic range

source: © 2018 Optical Society of America

In the optical detection of ultrasound, resonators with high Q-factors are often used to maximize sensitivity. However, increasing the Q-factor of a resonator may reduce the linear range of the interrogation scheme, making it more susceptible to strong external perturbations and incapable of measuring strong acoustic signals. In this Letter, a passive-demodulation scheme for pulse interferometry was developed for high dynamic-range measurements. The passive scheme was based on an unbalanced Mach–Zehnder interferometer and a 90° optical hybrid, which was implemented in a dual-polarization all-fiber setup. We demonstrated the passive scheme for detecting ultrasound bursts with pressure levels for which the response of conventional, active interferometric techniques became nonlinear. [Read More…]

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic drawing of the system used for pulse interferometry. (b) Active-demodulation scheme consists of an unbalanced Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) stabilized to quadrature using a wideband feedback circuit. PZ is piezoelectric fiber stretcher, and FC is 50/50 fused fiber coupler. (c) Passive-demodulation scheme consists of a dual-polarization unbalanced MZI, implementing a 90° optical hybrid. PBS is polarization beam splitter.

Yoav Hazan and Amir Rosenthal, “Passive-demodulation pulse interferometry for ultrasound detection with a high dynamic range,” Opt. Lett. 43, 1039-1042 (2018)