source: ©2006 American Physical Society
We present a method for efficiently exciting a Bragg soliton with a spectral content located mostly within the bandgap of a one-dimensional periodic structure. The method is based on a new interaction between Bragg solitons and on a high intensity enhancement, caused owing to the reduced propagation velocity inside periodic structures. Our method can also be used for efficient compression of optical pulses. We have theoretically demonstrated pulse compression with a compression ratio of 2800—over two orders of magnitude higher than previously reported. The results open new possibilities for experimental demonstration of Bragg soliton propagation and for pulse compression in one-dimensional periodic structures. [Read more…]

Fig. 1 Bandgap diagram of the grating. The grating is divided into three sections. In the first section, the slow-light effect is used to enhance the pulse intensity. In the second region, a soliton interaction is used to form a single in-gap soliton. In the third region, the soliton is compressed owing to the shifting of the bandgap.