Iterative finite-element-based inversion for quantified detection of molecular targets using optoacoustic tomography

source: © 2009 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

We describe an improved optoacoustic tomography method, that utilizes a diffusion-based photon propagation model in order to obtain quantified reconstruction of targets embedded deep in heterogeneous scattering and absorbing tissue. For the correction we utilize an iterative finite-element solution of the light diffusion equation to build a photon propagation model. We demonstrate image improvements achieved by this method by using tissue-mimicking phantom measurements. The particular strength of the method is its ability to achieve quantified reconstructions in non-uniform illumination configurations resembling whole-body small animal imaging scenarios.  [Read more…]

Fig. 3. OAT images of the 1st (a/b), 4th (c/d), 9th (e/f) and 11th (g/h) iteration of the normalization algorithm, with corresponding light distribution model (logarithmic scale).

Thomas Jetzfellner, Daniel Razansky, Amir Rosenthal, Ralf Schulz, K.-H. Englmeier, and Vasilis Ntziachristos “Iterative finite-element-based inversion for quantified detection of molecular targets using optoacoustic tomography, Proc. SPIE 7258, Medical Imaging 2009: Physics of Medical Imaging, 725812 (13 March 2009)