Project supervisor: Yoav Hazan
Optical detection of ultrasound is mostly done with high-Q factor optical resonators. These optical resonators can be manufactured in Silicon wafers, where a common design is of π-phase shift Bragg grating producing a single resonator. Complex grating designs with multiple resonators could enable simultaneous measurement in several positions, accelerating acquisition time.
Coherence-restored pulse interferometry (CRPI) is a recently developed method for optical detection of ultrasound that achieves shot-noise-limited sensitivity and high dynamic range. Today, the CRPI, implemented in free space Fabry-Perot, required a manual calibration process of the feedback circuit to lock the CRPI in operating state. This project core is the automation of the calibration procedure using Arduino microcontroller platform.
Project Status: Available
Project requirements:
- Design and simulation of complex grating designs to produce a multiple resonance transmission function.
- Optimization of grating dimensions for narrow resonance and high transmission efficiency.
Recommended readings:
- Painchaud, Y., Poulin, M., Latrasse, C., Ayotte, N., Picard, M.J. and Morin, M., 2012, June. “Bragg grating notch filters in silicon-on-insulator waveguides”. In Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides (pp. BW2E-3). Optical Society of America.
- Rosenthal, A., Razansky, D., & Ntziachristos, V. (2011). “High-sensitivity compact ultrasonic detector based on a pi-phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating”. Optics letters, 36(10), 1833-1835.